Thursday, 29 November 2012

Strength Training: Key to Building Muscle & Losing fat

Strength training is exercising with the goal of increasing your physical strength.

From own understanding, strength training is the building up of muscles and muscles burn fat.
Strength training makes you feel good and look good. Strength training with diet and cardio burns fat more than cardio and diet alone.

Challenging your muscles with strength training (also called resistance training) exercises 2 or 3 times each week is all that is needed to improve the strength and tone of your muscles – and gain you several long-term health benefits – provided you keep up the routine!
For more info google is your best friend:)

So this week I decided to try my hands in some weights and boy did I almost cry. My gym instructor is mean!!!

One other thing strength training prevents is sagging skin and it promotes a toned form.

You should try it out.


  1. I can even see d difference, way 2go gal, believe me its not easy but with dedication n discipline am sure u will make it!

  2. Just going thru ur blog 4 d first tym and I feel motivated. My prob is lack of discipline I always get tired after abt 4 days of gingering myself *hides face*. So thank u Bibi 4 puttin dat ginger in me again. Hopefully we'll help each other thru dis. Good job and good luck ........ PhatE
