Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Mind Over Matter: How Your Attitude May Affect Your Weight Loss

The phrase "mind over matter " and it's connection with weight loss has been ringing in my head for the past few days so i decided to look into it. Here are my findings
The mind is very powerful. It creates 'reality' in a sense, because what we think determines what we can and can't see or do.
If we 'put our minds to it' we can overcome many obstacles, including physical ones.
Though diet and exercise are certainly important factors in any weight loss plan, a positive attitude is what makes such lifestyle changes possible. As evidence that ones mental state is just as important as physical activity when trying to lose weight, many people have already found that it is much harder to make the lifestyle changes required for weight loss if you don't believe those changes can happen. The mind is very powerful, It creates 'reality' in a sense, because what we think determines what we can and can't see or do.
If we 'put our minds to it' we can overcome many obstacles, including physical ones.
Visualize yourself as thin. Picture yourself in that dress that is now two sizes too small. Imagine stepping onto the scale and being pleased with the result. Visualize yourself saying “no” to that piece of chocolate cake or that plate of Fried rice and chicken topped with fried plaintain.
These mind exercises can help to spur you onto weight loss.
Through such a method, you can “think your way” to a healthy weight.

In addition, it is critically important that you maintain a positive attitude. Be forgiving of yourself. If you veer off your diet plan, simply get back on course with your next meal. Don’t spend precious time “beating yourself up” over your failures. Instead, celebrate your successes-in a non-fattening way. For instance, when you reach a milestone-say you’ve lost ten pounds-reward yourself with a trip to an art museum or to your favorite coffee shop (but skip the cream and sugar). Marking milestones will give you a sense of accomplishment, a sense that you are triumphing over food.

Another helpful technique can be prayer or meditation. Some support groups even offer Bible-based weight loss programs that use scripture verses to help inspire. Taking stock of your life and handing your weight loss problems over to a higher power can be cathartic( permanent relief of the condition) and may give you a sense of peace about your weight difficulties. It has been said that a clear head leads to a healthy body. Try praying or meditating ten minutes at the start of your day. Chances are you will feel refreshed and ready to tackle the weight challenges that come your way.

Mind over matter is not just a clever saying. It can actually be the solution to your weight loss problems. By using your brain power, you can develop the techniques needed to make healthy food choices. When your mind and your body are both healthy, you have the best of both worlds.
Learn to use these abilities to aid weight loss. Visualize your ideal weight and believe you can do it.

Your Thots?

P.s. Am also speaking to myself.

Credits: http://www.selfgrowth.com

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. You are doing good. I'm also on the weight loss forum. I'm glad you found my blog. Will be adding you to my blog list so that I can read your posts. You can do this! :-)
